How to reissance of residence card when dropped or lost in Japan?

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The Residence Card (在留カード) is one of the most important forms of identification (身分証明書) for foreign people living in Japan. If unfortunately you dropped the alien card and don’t know how to handle it, this is the article for you. The following, Japan Life Guide Blog will guide people on how to handle, How to reissuance of residence card when in Japan when dropped, lost.

What to do after losing a foreign residence card in Japan?

An alien card is an ID to identify your identity so that if you unfortunately fall into the hands of the bad, they will use your personal information to perform criminal acts. Or if you are surprised by the police, you will lose time or trouble because you cannot explain it.

Therefore, as soon as it is discovered that your residence card is lost, immediately visit the police station near your home to inform and receive the certificate. Depending on the reason and circumstances that the certificate will change according to, you should refer to 3 main cases at the bottom.

  • Self-dropping card: Declare 遺失 and please grant 遺失届出証明書 (いしつとどけでしょうめいしょ).
  • Lost: Declare 盗難 and obtain the 盗難届出証明書 (とうなんとどけでしょうめいしょ).
  • Lost due to natural disasters, or accidents: Declare 罹災 and Grant 罹災証明書 (りさいしょうめいしょ).

If lucky, encounter the good people they picked up and delivered your card to the police station, then the SAT scene will call and confirm with you. Conversely, if after a few days you have not received contact from the police, you need to enter the Immigration Bureau (入国管理) to check in to re-grant the new residence card.


The deadline to re-grant the alien card is 14 days from the date of death, so please arrange to avoid the forgotten situation.

Types of documents to be prepared when returning to reissuance residence card in Japan

How to reissue of residence card
How to reissuance of residence card in Japan

Here are the 4 types of documents needed for the return of the residence card when lost.

  • 在留カード再交付申請書 (Alien Card resupply application). Download it HERE.
  • 遺失届出証明書 or 盗難届出証明書, 罹災証明書 (Certificate of loss by police level).
  • パスポート (Passport) or My number card.
  • 写真 (Photo card 3×4 (taken within 3 months)).

How to write a Application for reissuance of a residence card due to loss in Japan 在留カード再交付申請書

Japan Alien Card Rework
Japan Alien Card Rework application Form
  1. 国籍・地域 (nationality): ベトナム
  2. 生年月日: Date of birth
  3. 氏名: The first and the name equals Romaji uppercase.
  4. 性別 (gender): 男 (male), スーパーの女 (female)
  5. 住居地 (Residence): address in current Japan
  6. 在留カード番号: Alien Card number
  7. 資格外活動許可の有無: Overtime license. Always (yes), 無 (NO)
  8. 在留カーの所持を失った理由およびその事実を知った日: The reason for losing the alien card and the discovery date is lost.
  9. 大理人: Representative (if the lost person can not reach the XNC department, must ask a representative)

取次者: If you are unable to receive contact, please write the information of relatives, school, company…

Finally, write the applicant’s name, application date and contact card and then paste the photo.

Japan Residence Card rework costs

Other than renewal or renewal of visa, the cost of re-grant of residence card is ¥0. If you ask someone to check in and they say it costs, be wary.

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